Friday 8 June 2012

Buses Again

So the other day I was talking to Jake P. I don't remember what it was we were talking about but my bus pulled up to St. Lawrence. So I finished the conversation figuring the bus would be a few minutes letting people on or of the bus. I walk over and as I get close the bus the door closes so alright I figure id be seen but nope so the driver starts pulling away and I jog along side the bus right at the door. Still thinking he will check for other vehicles but as he checked somehow did not see me, and continued to pull away. So I stopped wasting my time stop and flipped a double bird to the bus. The next day I got that very same bus and as I get on i shake my head while putting the pass to the scanner.

Monday 28 May 2012

Slight Rant

On every bus ride there is a guy talking really loud trying to have a private conversation on the bus this is annoying as it makes it very hard to ignore his private conversion like text if it's so god damn private. Also  I am the guy who always sits alone on the bus unless someone I know is getting it which is rare, even when the bus is completely packed people will stand rather than sit by me. It's not because I smell bad because there are worse smelling people on the bus. I have no clue as to why people won't sit beside me not that I mind because than I don't have to talk to anyone or get uncomfortably close. Another thing I think there should be an attitude and personality set for bus drivers because honestly one day you will get the nicest person alive as your bus driver and the next it will be the crabbiest. Another thing it's kind of the bus drivers job to know when they should leave from each stop so they can be on time to pick up and drop people off why are they so inconsistent? It is your job to be on time when you are 15 20 minutes late getting to where you are supposed to be ,you not only make yourself late but everybody else. The next issue i have with the buses is why they change on sundays it makes no sense because it's the weekend people have time to go places but have to wait for the bus longer. Even thought technically speaking church is in the morning and most people don't go these days and even so they may still need a way to get there. A similar problem is why does everything close so early on the weekend other than the bars people like to hang out at the mall and do other things too, also why is it open later during the week when people work during the week and probably don't want to go anywhere unless it's for food or to the movies.  Why not have things open till ten every day and the open later on the weekends when people sleep in.

Crap Movies

Last night, I did absolutely nothing of any interest it was pretty boring. I just sat at home watching crappy movies my mom had borrowed from her friend. I think I watched like 6 movies in total yesterday. I do not recommend wasting your time watching these movies. The fallowing of which are; Return of the Living Dead’s most recent remake, some crappy movie called Wedding Slashers. I was surprised though by a movie called trust which was actually pretty good. Watch Trust not these other crap movies.

Wolfe Island

Last weekend I had some fun and went to Wolfe Island for a swim at the beach. If you have not been I recommend you go makes for a good day as the beach is pretty large and you can get some decent privacy so not to be bothered by people you don’t know. Also another great thing is that there is a lot of flat round stones for the skipping, which Kingston is Lacking. I didn’t do much swimming but I did find some neat rocks, and was buried in the sand up to my waist. My friend and me dug out this huge piece of driftwood and put it back in the sand so it stood vertical. However in certain areas the sand was friggin’ hot forcing me to run very awkwardly to get to the water. For not doing much I was pretty tired at the end of the day.

The Drive-In

A week or so ago I recently went to the drive-in to see The Avengers and I have to say I was not disappointed with the film. I was expecting it to look like it was rushed and was not looking forward to seeing Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, but was pleasantly surprised that he was probably the best Hulk so far. Also most movies that focus on a group rather than a single character don’t typically focus on the right parts at the right time during the movie. For example Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. As far as the avengers went it was pretty kick ass.  Hulk was my favourite character of the movie. If you’ve read this and have seen the movie what was yours?

Friday 27 April 2012

Blogger and Game

So this week I have no idea what to blog about because I did the class blog which now leaves me with very little to talk about. Last night I had come up with an awesome idea for a video game. It would play like Skyrim but instead of a kind of middle ages theme it would have a ancient asian theme. So instead of knights and elves it would be Samurai and Ninjas , the dragons would be based on asian mythology. The weapons,clothing,magic and scenery. The game would contain mountain ranges based loosely on China and Japan. Thats about it so if you have an ideas for my blog next week just post them below.

Friday 20 April 2012

Toronto Trip Last Week

Last week as you all know we went to Toronto on a school trip. It was a great time finding out how Much Music chooses what time to put certain shows on and how they pick their programing. Being on NML was kick ass. Where I was by the stage gave me a rather pleasant view I am not complaining. Once the dancers were finished we got a chance to meet the V.J’s and on my way over to meet Phoebe I was told that my Dropkick Murphy’s shirt was liked. All and all a pretty awesome day, bought some street meat, went to Fuse Marketing, as well as to Ryerson. Although at Fuse it was slightly awkward as our two guests we brought were flirting like tomorrow was the end of the world. A second thought it was really awkward because we couldn’t even get our questions out there. It was alright for a few laughs, and very insightful to how well the program prepares you for marketing in the world.

Friday 30 March 2012

The Gregs

In my class we have been working on video's in groups. It has been a lot of fun shooting the video but actually putting it together and having it done on time has been pretty stressful because we have a limited amount of time. Plus the numerous other assignments people are getting testy myself included.

Friday 23 March 2012

Run of Bad Luck

This week I have had a terrible time with bad luck. To start off with Monday because of the ridiculous heat and humidity I’m pretty sure it started a cold or something. I have felt awful all week because of this but due to the many projects on the go I have not been able to stay at home and rest. Nothing good has occurred this week and as a result I am a lump. Yesterday while getting the bus I realized I had the wrong ticket after telling the bus driver I just got the bus pass the day before when it was actually the bus pass I had already used up. I hate to quote The Magic School Bus but “I should’ve stayed home today.” Thanks for reading. 

Friday 9 March 2012

Toddlers In Tiaras

Now what bugs me about this stupid show is that a lot of these kids and babies aren’t even really making the decision to be there. Now sure there are a couple of the girls who actually enjoy themselves, but even they are being taught the wrong morals. In these toddler and baby beauty pageants they are being shown that it is ok to be judged on your outward appearance and false personalities, teaching them that it’s not ok to be who you are but to fit the standards of everyone else. I don’t see how this could be happening the moms are psycho giving their baby a spray on tan or flipping out if they don’t do well. Pardon my language but it’s bullshit ok let them be cute or whatever if they really want to be there, but don’t give them shit for not wanting to. The majority of models and beauty pageant stars end up nowhere with no real job and truly obsessed with beauty thinking they should look a certain way. Should we not be teaching women that they could be beautiful without being in a contest to prove it and that they don’t need to fit these ridiculous standards. Teach them some real skills that allow them to grow in the world rather then being tossed to the side and forgotten about. One of the toddlers on this show does not like being in pageants and her mother makes her do it. She has actually developed a split personality that likes to be in the pageants in order to deal with it. Her mother actually tells her to leave herself in the car and for only her other personality to be there. What a terrible mother. If my wife had forced my kid into something they didn’t want to be in and flipped out at her every time she made a fuss because she didn’t want to do it. I can safely say I would divorce her ass. 

Friday 2 March 2012


Yesterday school was basically canceled due to school busses not running. I still came to school by city bus and well I was here no one was here except for Mr. Chamberlain. The only reason I had come to class was to work on my Ultimate Buying Experience which he had decided to move so it is due Monday instead. So rather than sitting around waiting for people to show up I had decided to leave and play pool While playing pool alone and no one around I had made some pretty decent shots and then people started showing up to play it started to go downhill. Eventually I had a challenge I won 2 out of 3 games then left at 12 to go home and relaxed upon relaxing I fell asleep and had a strange dream in which I found an ox and was taking it all around town trying to find it a place to stay I woke up just as I was discussing that Hailey's family had a farm.

Friday 24 February 2012

Useless Construction

Why is it that everywhere I got there is a chunk of forest being tore down, it pisses me off we’re Canada not the friggin’ states ok. You wonder why animals that aren’t supposed to be in town like deer, and bears. Well here’s a little solution stop destroying their homes. Like we wouldn’t like if a bunch of bears or deer came into town and plowing down our houses. We are supposed to be Canadians proud of our wilderness but we continue plowing it and expanding highways and city’s building malls and houses when we don’t need another. How about recycling land we already have and tearing down buildings that aren’t used and making a new one for whatever stupid mall or subdivision we’re putting in. When it comes to cash for this purpose stop putting up streetlights in low traffic flow intersections. Then maybe we could stop tearing down trees, which we need. After we accomplish this we might stop seeing bears and deer in town. 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Bumper Ribbons

      It really bugs me seeing Joe Somebody driving his truck with one of those magnetic support our troops ribbons. When in actuality they have most likely purchased it from their local gas station. No money goes to the association for veterans or anything of the sort.  It goes to the gas station they may have paid like 5 cents per magnet from the distributor, but in all truth are you really supporting your troops you’re putting money into a multi- million dollar corporation just to say you support you’re troops how about supporting them by voting for a government that doesn’t send our troops out to fight in a war that the united states government is responsible for. Stop sending troops out to fight imaginary threats and dying for oil that wasn’t yours in the first place. Bring them home or help out and volunteer at a non-profit organization for the veterans. Don’t go pay 5 dollars or whatever they cost to stick a magnet on your vehicle. 
     Giving your support makes no difference if all your doing is buying a piece of sticky plastic, so stop patting yourself on the back because you feel like you’ve done something to make the world a better place. Get off of your ass and do something to help rather than slapping this magnet on your car, truck, or van just to make yourself feel like things are getting better or your making a real change in the world with this magnet. Your no hero the guy putting his life on the line so we don’t have to that’s the guy who deserves a pat on the back or how about the thousands who have died to protect our rights. Not some jackass with a bumper sticker, what are you really doing?  Well by purchasing this product from a gas station and not from a veteran organization you are supporting the gas company/industry which is why we are at war to get more gas and oil. Why do you think Stephan Harper was supporting them and then shortly after we send out more troops. I mean come on let’s get someone in charge who actually cares about the little people and not the big industry in charge. 
      Most likely the people who buy this dumb-ass bumper stickers or magnets aren’t going to vote for change but for whatever they know and makes them feel safe because it’s a routine. Let’s help our troops for real. Stop feeling so good because you put a damn bumper sticker on your car and stop the war, and stop letting industries push our government around. Educate yourself it's your responsibility to be an informed citizen take a stand and make a change.

Monday 13 February 2012

First Post

          Last week I went to Gigantour at the K-Rock. It was friggin' sick!! I have heard of Megadeth and Motorhead but hadn't really listened to them until the concert to be honest. The reason I went was for the band by the name of Volbeat and they did not disapoint. I was severely impressed by the all around kick-assery. Volbeat for those of you who don't know is a heavy band but the singers style can be compared to that of Elvis or Johnny Cash. They sound really good on album and happen to be one of my favourite bands but are even better in concert.
          Everyone was moving like a wave of headbangers as Volbeat united us. I felt apart of something bigger even tho as an individual I was acknowledged. It was an awesome night. Aside from the jerks who decided to move to the front when Motorhead was on and decided to start a mosh-pit I was there for the concert and the music not to act like a jackass , so eventually I got tired of it and when someone got pushed into me for the fifth time I left him fall and that was that. After Megadeth finished i left happier that i have experience a real Heavy Metal concert. Ears fogged mind a blur i could not for the life of me get to sleep after a night of adrenaline fueled music. Unfortunately my first day at Imc@Slc was the next day. Volbeat will forever live as one of my favourite bands.