Friday 9 March 2012

Toddlers In Tiaras

Now what bugs me about this stupid show is that a lot of these kids and babies aren’t even really making the decision to be there. Now sure there are a couple of the girls who actually enjoy themselves, but even they are being taught the wrong morals. In these toddler and baby beauty pageants they are being shown that it is ok to be judged on your outward appearance and false personalities, teaching them that it’s not ok to be who you are but to fit the standards of everyone else. I don’t see how this could be happening the moms are psycho giving their baby a spray on tan or flipping out if they don’t do well. Pardon my language but it’s bullshit ok let them be cute or whatever if they really want to be there, but don’t give them shit for not wanting to. The majority of models and beauty pageant stars end up nowhere with no real job and truly obsessed with beauty thinking they should look a certain way. Should we not be teaching women that they could be beautiful without being in a contest to prove it and that they don’t need to fit these ridiculous standards. Teach them some real skills that allow them to grow in the world rather then being tossed to the side and forgotten about. One of the toddlers on this show does not like being in pageants and her mother makes her do it. She has actually developed a split personality that likes to be in the pageants in order to deal with it. Her mother actually tells her to leave herself in the car and for only her other personality to be there. What a terrible mother. If my wife had forced my kid into something they didn’t want to be in and flipped out at her every time she made a fuss because she didn’t want to do it. I can safely say I would divorce her ass. 

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