Friday 24 February 2012

Useless Construction

Why is it that everywhere I got there is a chunk of forest being tore down, it pisses me off we’re Canada not the friggin’ states ok. You wonder why animals that aren’t supposed to be in town like deer, and bears. Well here’s a little solution stop destroying their homes. Like we wouldn’t like if a bunch of bears or deer came into town and plowing down our houses. We are supposed to be Canadians proud of our wilderness but we continue plowing it and expanding highways and city’s building malls and houses when we don’t need another. How about recycling land we already have and tearing down buildings that aren’t used and making a new one for whatever stupid mall or subdivision we’re putting in. When it comes to cash for this purpose stop putting up streetlights in low traffic flow intersections. Then maybe we could stop tearing down trees, which we need. After we accomplish this we might stop seeing bears and deer in town. 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Bumper Ribbons

      It really bugs me seeing Joe Somebody driving his truck with one of those magnetic support our troops ribbons. When in actuality they have most likely purchased it from their local gas station. No money goes to the association for veterans or anything of the sort.  It goes to the gas station they may have paid like 5 cents per magnet from the distributor, but in all truth are you really supporting your troops you’re putting money into a multi- million dollar corporation just to say you support you’re troops how about supporting them by voting for a government that doesn’t send our troops out to fight in a war that the united states government is responsible for. Stop sending troops out to fight imaginary threats and dying for oil that wasn’t yours in the first place. Bring them home or help out and volunteer at a non-profit organization for the veterans. Don’t go pay 5 dollars or whatever they cost to stick a magnet on your vehicle. 
     Giving your support makes no difference if all your doing is buying a piece of sticky plastic, so stop patting yourself on the back because you feel like you’ve done something to make the world a better place. Get off of your ass and do something to help rather than slapping this magnet on your car, truck, or van just to make yourself feel like things are getting better or your making a real change in the world with this magnet. Your no hero the guy putting his life on the line so we don’t have to that’s the guy who deserves a pat on the back or how about the thousands who have died to protect our rights. Not some jackass with a bumper sticker, what are you really doing?  Well by purchasing this product from a gas station and not from a veteran organization you are supporting the gas company/industry which is why we are at war to get more gas and oil. Why do you think Stephan Harper was supporting them and then shortly after we send out more troops. I mean come on let’s get someone in charge who actually cares about the little people and not the big industry in charge. 
      Most likely the people who buy this dumb-ass bumper stickers or magnets aren’t going to vote for change but for whatever they know and makes them feel safe because it’s a routine. Let’s help our troops for real. Stop feeling so good because you put a damn bumper sticker on your car and stop the war, and stop letting industries push our government around. Educate yourself it's your responsibility to be an informed citizen take a stand and make a change.

Monday 13 February 2012

First Post

          Last week I went to Gigantour at the K-Rock. It was friggin' sick!! I have heard of Megadeth and Motorhead but hadn't really listened to them until the concert to be honest. The reason I went was for the band by the name of Volbeat and they did not disapoint. I was severely impressed by the all around kick-assery. Volbeat for those of you who don't know is a heavy band but the singers style can be compared to that of Elvis or Johnny Cash. They sound really good on album and happen to be one of my favourite bands but are even better in concert.
          Everyone was moving like a wave of headbangers as Volbeat united us. I felt apart of something bigger even tho as an individual I was acknowledged. It was an awesome night. Aside from the jerks who decided to move to the front when Motorhead was on and decided to start a mosh-pit I was there for the concert and the music not to act like a jackass , so eventually I got tired of it and when someone got pushed into me for the fifth time I left him fall and that was that. After Megadeth finished i left happier that i have experience a real Heavy Metal concert. Ears fogged mind a blur i could not for the life of me get to sleep after a night of adrenaline fueled music. Unfortunately my first day at Imc@Slc was the next day. Volbeat will forever live as one of my favourite bands.